Ways to save your wisdom tooth

Its after a long session with the dentist, I understood the fact that its never too late to help your self to save your assets especially your tooth. 'Wisdom' as it signifies the involves an understanding of people, things, events, situations, and the willingness as well as the ability to apply perception, judgement, and action in keeping with the understanding of what is the optimal course of action.

But here the Wisdom tooth is just the opposite of its meaning. It grows in your mouth having no knowledge where it needs to reach and shows its presence. Sometimes, in few occasions, it grows aligned with proper knowledge.

Below are few points which I think from my perspective an individual should take care for his wisdom tooth:
  1. First most important thing for an individual should do is that he should have a regular check with a dentist on at least a quarterly basis. Check with your dentist whether your wisdom tooth would be growing at an instance.
  2. Wisdom tooth grows at an average age from 17 to 25 years of human existence. It has a significance of growing horizontal to all its different brotherhoods i.e. the other normal teeths.
  3. If there exist any plague on the surface of the wisdom teeth, just get in touch with your nearby dentist to get it cleared.
  4. The best way to fight things irrespective of the wisdom teeth is to brush your tooth regularly in the day and night just before going to the bed.
  5. If you want to avoid plague to develop on the surface of the teeth then just use a fluoride toothpaste in the night to remove the unwanted particles and pieces from the corners.
Things you should do before removing a teeth/tooth from your mouth:

  1. Get an X-ray removed for the teeth which you want to permanently get rid off.
  2. Check from the X-ray, how much percentage of the teeth has been damaged due to your carelessness.
  3. If the percentage of teeth damage is more than 60% then just go ahead as advised by the doctor to get it root canal or get rid off.
I will be writing more on this part soon.....