I recently went for a travel in the Konkan region of Maharashtra. The tour was with an objective to visit the hilly regions of the Maharashtra. I and my friends had a visit to my friend's place at Sawantwadi.
The region was flooded with lush of greenery everywhere and the dialect there was termed as Malvani. The people there are believed to much rich in conserving the natural habitat.
While travelling through a car, we were search of a place where we can take a small rest. We saw children on the highway with boards displaying 'Samosa for Rs. 5/- only'. At the first glance we were shocked of such signs and then reverted back our car to the children.
The children were localities who believed in their own running business. They sold Samosa's with a free drink of cashew nut milk. We asked them about their way of business they did. We were surprised to see that they had huge farm of cashew nuts. A structure was build for earthworm farming, wherein different quality of liquids were extracted. The neem water with a specified proportion of natural antidote was used for farming. They used to sell these bottles of natural fertilizers to the farmers to earn their living.
The rich varied farm of cashew nuts had a view of attraction. Their business was sponsored by the Maharashtra Government with the help of local politicians. The great deal of work done was very much to be appreciated!
'The richness of mother nature has much of to be earned by man than destroying it!'