Ways to save your wisdom tooth

Its after a long session with the dentist, I understood the fact that its never too late to help your self to save your assets especially your tooth. 'Wisdom' as it signifies the involves an understanding of people, things, events, situations, and the willingness as well as the ability to apply perception, judgement, and action in keeping with the understanding of what is the optimal course of action.

But here the Wisdom tooth is just the opposite of its meaning. It grows in your mouth having no knowledge where it needs to reach and shows its presence. Sometimes, in few occasions, it grows aligned with proper knowledge.

Below are few points which I think from my perspective an individual should take care for his wisdom tooth:
  1. First most important thing for an individual should do is that he should have a regular check with a dentist on at least a quarterly basis. Check with your dentist whether your wisdom tooth would be growing at an instance.
  2. Wisdom tooth grows at an average age from 17 to 25 years of human existence. It has a significance of growing horizontal to all its different brotherhoods i.e. the other normal teeths.
  3. If there exist any plague on the surface of the wisdom teeth, just get in touch with your nearby dentist to get it cleared.
  4. The best way to fight things irrespective of the wisdom teeth is to brush your tooth regularly in the day and night just before going to the bed.
  5. If you want to avoid plague to develop on the surface of the teeth then just use a fluoride toothpaste in the night to remove the unwanted particles and pieces from the corners.
Things you should do before removing a teeth/tooth from your mouth:

  1. Get an X-ray removed for the teeth which you want to permanently get rid off.
  2. Check from the X-ray, how much percentage of the teeth has been damaged due to your carelessness.
  3. If the percentage of teeth damage is more than 60% then just go ahead as advised by the doctor to get it root canal or get rid off.
I will be writing more on this part soon.....

A quick review about the SSB preparation.

In much of my preparation for SSB I have gone through many blogs. In which they have described about their experiences in the SSB days.

So, coming to the point, I would suggest you to go through the following points:

1. Have a brief about yourself in a paper. Write every particular minute details you have about yourself. It may be related to your achievements or even the failures in life. Being thorough with yourself as on paper, try to chalk out the weak points and yourself bring the improvements in your life.

2. A officer in the Indian Forces should have a attitude for checking for himself and being honest in oneself. Then after making your mind to join the armed forces, go for preparation in private or be prepared for yourself to be tested on.

3. If you are preparing by yourself then buy certain books based on SSB preparation. I would suggest "SSB Preparation" by Major P.N. Joshi which I have gone through and would suggest you to go through from.

4. As far as ground task, be sporty and run almost 3-4km everyday which would bring your body blood to be filled in your legs and brains. Certainly, only running would not be the only solution to go for, but also try to excercise everyday.

5. The five days of SSB(Services Selection Board) are the best days an individual can have in his life-time. Many of the great actors and players have gone through the SSB task and even after not being selected for SSB, they have reached mile-stones.

6. If you clear the screening test on the first day, then would be kept on for further mind-exercises and ground task. The testing procedure in the SSB was started after the first world war. This was done basically to make the selection of the toughtest men or women for the forces.

7. The psychologist, in the SSB is the master mind for getting in the best of the candidates in the armed forces. The everyday behaivour of a human being can be judged through the SSB test.

8. So, the rounds which are conducted in the SSB are as follows:

First Day

1. Aptitude Test.

2. Screening Test.

Second Day

1. Thematic Appreciation Test.

2. Word Assesment Test.

3. Group Testing Task.

Third Day:

1. Half- group Task.

2. Interview with the pschologist.

Fourth Day:

1. Individual Task.

2. Interview with the Board members.

Fifth Day:

Selection of the officers that are completely elligible for becoming an officer in the armed forces.

The order which I stated would slightly differ. The important point to be thorough with is that you should be confident in what-ever circumstances you face in the SSB task.

I am wishing luck for all those who came through my blog and read so far.

"Always aim the sky to reach heights and always believe that you are the best".

Understanding the concepts of marketing in the simple and lucid statements.

It is quite obvious to learn the system of give and take from the start. Our ancestors had the batter system which worked in bring the humans to reach such mile stones.

Marketing in simple language means exchanging Work + Talent with money. The out-sourcing of the knowledge and work has major contribution in the field of marketing. Getting the client reach its goal is the major task a company has to work with dedication.

Marketing can also be stated as understanding and figuring the requirements of the normal world. Wherein, if certain has the deficiency of certain goods or resources then the resources which are available at a place at bounty can be exchanged in place of the money.

Monopoly in the market makes difficult to survive in the market but competition in the real scenario makes the best thing to reach the people.

Indeed life is asured to be decided by your present works!

Inception (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
"Works by great men have always showed struggles in the start."

The journey of life is thus a great deal of the present works you do. I would not blame anybody if my life in my past would be like a bumper jumps. The world around has much deal for appreciation for your present.

Friends, relatives and many more have contributed to me in my life's journey. I always wonder that the people around me are some or the other way have been send by a much powerful creator of the universe to some extend influence my life.

I always admire why someone having all the lust and money don't try to do the works other way around as their fore-fathers did. The journey of a human being is such long that you may never know the past you did but you will always blame to be unlucky in the present.

"Luck, Money and Hardwork works hand-in-hand if proper mapping of life is done!"

Crude is more pure than the product obtained!!

Wired (1-year auto-renewal)
Sometimes we think that the product obtained from the crude or the raw is more useful than the source. We have technology invented from the binary to the super code language. The past explains the technology better when man needed the super-brainer (computer), whereas now the mess of the technology has led man to get diverted to diverse feilds.

The product of the binary world  is much a confused state of the industries to compete their level. The grannular level of thinking about the technology is simply related to ones and zeros.

Production in the field of software is just demand and justification of the technology needs. Client and the industry only struggles to complicate the simple thinking of man. Earlier ma used to use slates to just to learn but now the whole sinerio has been changed.

The product of the software has compelled man to get addicted to technology and get involve in it in much depth! Simplicity is just the answer of the technology demand in the feild of the client and industry chain.

Thus, Crude is more productive than the product obtained from it!